9) Airlift Saves Turtles from Certain Death

Fifty Yellow-Headed Temple Turtles have arrived in Florida to begin a new life after being rescued from an illegal shipment into Hong Kong. Turtles are a delicacy to eat and for medicinal purposes so there is a high demand for turtle meat and turtle parts. These particular turtles get their names from the tradition of releasing the species into Buddhist temple ponds. Because of concerns about genetic and disease transfer, the turtles could not find a permanent home in Hong Kong so the Texas-based Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) raised funds for a turtle airlift into the USA and house the turtles in Florida :) I think this is absolutely wonderful, the killing of endangered species has to stop just because people enjoy eating their meat and believe their parts will cure them.

Link to site: http://www.enn.com/press_releases/3547

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