23) Oil Companies under Fire over Peruvian tribes

A coalition of more than fifty NGOs has called for three major oil companies: Perenco, Repsol-YPF and ConocoPhillips, to withdraw from an area of Peruvian Amazon containing two uncontacted tribes. A letter sent by the Survival International and co-signed by more than fifty other NGOs states that "Uncontacted Indians are extremely vulnerable as they lack immunity to outsiders' diseases and they face the very real threat of extinction if they are contacted". The work planned by the oil companies could also breach international law which requires indigenous peoples to be consulted about projects that affect them. According to the letter, Perenco have applied to the Peruvian government for permission to build a 207km pipeline which would impact upon a tract of rainforest 500m either side along its length. Meanwhile companies Repsol-YPF and ConocoPhillips plan to cut 454km of seismic lines in a bid to find oil in 'block 39' one of most biologically diverse areas on the planet, a process which involved clearing paths through the forest and detonating explosives. The fact that the oil companies are withdrawing from this area is a huge accomplishment for these uncontacted tribes. Hopefully more companies learn to respect the land of others and not interfere with their lifestyle.

Link to site: http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_round_up/686968/oil_companies_perenco_repsolypf_and_conocophillips_under_fire_over_peruvian_tribes.html

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