17) Dolphins See Themselves in Mirror

There is a video I watched on CNN.com about how dolphins' intelligence rivals that of humans. The reporter, Randi Kaye, climbed down into a small underwater lab with a window into the aquarium where scientist put a two way mirror on the glass. Dolphins figure out its their reflection and they show interest to look at themselves. Some dolphins open their mouth and stick their tongue out, others swim upside down and some others get really up close to look into their eyes. Dolphins aren't the only mammals that recognize themselves, elephants do it too. They do this by marking the elephants with a small mark above their eyes and then the elephants try to look at this mark and figure out what has been done to them by looking into the mirror. By the end of the video, the scientist explains that we need to look at this animals in a new light and in return protect this animals and not believe we are the only intelligent creatures in this planet because we are not alone. I completely agree with this, just as we have in recent years discovered how intelligent chimps are, other animals start to show that their brains work very similarly to ours. I think it is fascinating and I hope to hear more about the dolphin research in coming years.

Link to video: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2010/11/22/ctw.kaye.dolphin.intelligence.cnn?hpt=C2

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