30) Logging Company is Accused of 'misleading public' with Carbon Conservation Project

A report released by Indonesian activist group Greenomics has accused Asia pulp and Paper (APP) of making false claims of 'going green'. According to the report, logging giant APP were obliged to set aside 12,640 ha of Sumatran rainforest in accordance with Indonesian law following the assessment of the area by subsidiary company PT. The campaign group claims APP is 'deliberately misleading the public by claiming to be voluntarily setting the area aside in 'an attempt to dupe the public into believing that the company is going green'. In a press release APP heralded the Kampar Carbon Reserve project, under which the area has been set aside as a carbon reserve, as the 'world's first pulpwood plantation concession to be carbon reserve REDD+initiative'. However, Greenomics have questioned the reliability of the MOF's assessment claiming it was hurriedly carried out on a quick visit from Jakarta. Later, a more reliable assessment by PRP found the area was unsuitable and fulfilled requirements for lehal protection. 'APP must convey their deep apology to the public and withdraw their misleading press release because that press release has manipulated the legal facts'. Greenomics further says that APP is doing the same again, 'attempting to establish its green credentials' in the face of mounting international criticism of the Sinar Mas Group's notorious forestry practices which continue to destroy Indonesia's forests at an alarming rate. I think its great that this activist group has pointed out the lies and deceiving that APP has been doing with the public so hopefuly after an apology they can revindicate themselves by doing good to the environment and the Indonesian forests.

Link to site: http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_round_up/687853/logging_company_accused_of_misleading_public_with_carbon_conservation_project.html

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