28) Shell-sponsored Climate Change Exhibition causes anger

Oil companies should be banned from partnering with public institutions like Tate Modern and the Science Museum, say environmental campaigners. Shell's 1 million pound funding for a new exhibition on climate change at the Science Museum was 'ludicrious' given the company's role as one of the world's biggest carmon emitters. Shell used sponsorship of cultural institutions like the Science Museum to link its brand to good and progressive organizations and to help lobby government officials and business leaders. The company's sponsorship of 'The Natural History Museum's Wildlife Photographer of the Year' exhibition ended after strong opposition from the direct action group Rising Tide and Art not Oil. A spokesperson said Shell was one of a number of sponsors of the exhibition, which cost 4.5 million pounds and that the Museum had 'full editorial control over the exhibition content'.While I agree that Shell was probably just trying to get publicity and be seen in a better light, I also think it is good that this company was sponsoring an exhibition like that because, although it is one of the biggest carbon emitters, everyone depends on oil particularly Shell and there is nothing we can do about that. Since we can't stop carbon emissions, might as well use some money to sponsor a few environmentally friendly exhibitions. I think.

Link to site: http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_round_up/689703/anger_at_opening_of_shellsponsored_climate_change_exhibition.html

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